Being our first project, Andrew was our guide through this incredible complex and bureaucratic endeavor! We are really pleased and thankful with his services and highly recommend him to anyone!
— Sergio C

Artistic home planner

The #1 Project Problem

Projects going over time and over budget.

On a daily basis, we see people moving projects into the design phase before the research is started. This is like a doctor starting surgery without a thorough diagnosis or trying to build a house on a bad foundation.

That is why we created the Artistic Home Planner. Now, you have a simple process to help you move through the Research Phase.

If you follow this tool, you will reduce project risk to get your project completed on time and get you the best design, not settling for the third best option.

Here is what you get:

  1. Road map that shows you the design and construction process from start to finish.

  2. Costs guide worksheet that gives you a ballpark cost estimate for your project.

  3. Detailed questions to help you select the right architect and builder. Be prepared.

  4. Myths you didn’t know were myths, busted.

  5. Organize your thoughts with the “How to create a design brief” worksheet.

  6. Quiz yourself on how ready you are to start your home build project.

  7. One-on-one FREE 30-minute consultation with an expert to answer your questions and point you towards the right people and resources.

  8. Ongoing email tips and strategies to maximize your success.